Margaret River Snapshots – Cowaramup’s Golden Cow

Cowaramup, or “Cow Town” as the locals call it, is famous for it’s 42 sculptures of cows that inhabit the town. But there is one cow sculptue that has quite a story attached to it. “Free As A Cow” is located in Pioneer Park, and features a golden coloured cow atop a pole. The cow is standing, spreadeagled on the top of the pole, with its front legs spread wide apart, and its very prominent udder sticking out. Locally known as “Rump On A Stump” it was created by local artist Ron Roozen for the 2010 Cow Parade held in the Capes region.

Cow Parade is the world’s largest public art event. Started in 1999 in Chicago, it has been held in all major cities around the world. It is a fundraising project whereby local artists buy a cow and paint/decorate it and display it in the city. After the event, the cows are auctioned and all proceeds go to local charites. In 2009/10 the very first rural Cow Parade was held here in the Capes region. Click here for more information on Cow Parade

Ron’s piece was a tongue in cheek acknowledgement of a local, and controversial, iconic statue, “Free As A Bird”, displayed high on a pole, over an ornamental lake, at the glamourous Laurance Winery (now Robert Oatley Wines). “Free As A Bird” consists of a golden, naked woman, spreadeagled atop the pole. The model for the sculpture is said to be Dianne Laurance, local entrepeneur and founder of the Laurance Winery Estate. The sculpture created lots of controversy in the conservative rural area at the time, as well as invoking the ire of the local shire who tried to have it removed as it was erected without planning approval. Today, “Chick On A Stick” still stands proudly over the lake, and still attracts tourists to the winery.


“Rump on a Stump” – Pioneer Park Cowaramup


“Chick on a Stick” at Robert Oatley Winery